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Niveau 2


                              Titre                         Chorégraphe                  Fiche          Vidéo
Game  Over Neus Lloveras Game overGame over camera-1-30x27.jpg
Underground (déb)    Antonella Fedi Underground debUnderground deb camera-1-30x27.jpg
High  Time Cathy Dumoulin High timeHigh time camera-1-30x27.jpg
Dust Victor Manuel Rodriguez Alvarez DustDust camera-1-30x27.jpg
Wild Forever Neus Lloveras & Silvia Mimo Wild foreverWild forever camera-1-30x27.jpg
The Yellow Town  David Villellas The yellow townThe yellow town camera-1-30x27.jpg
Step by Love David Villellas Step by loveStep by love camera-1-30x27.jpg
Doctor Doctor Rob Fowler & Rachael McEnaney&Pedro M Doctor doctorDoctor doctor camera-1-30x27.jpg
Sweet Eyes Montse Chafino & David Villellas Sweet eyesSweet eyes camera-1-30x27.jpg
Thank you God Victor manuel Rodriguez Thank you godThank you god camera-1-30x27.jpg
Natural Fact Lourdes Martin  Natural factNatural fact camera-1-30x27.jpg
Start Again Neus Lloveras Start againStart again camera-1-30x27.jpg
11th Street Neus Lloveras 11th street11th street camera-1-30x27.jpg
Cowboy life Adriano Castagnoli Cowboy lifeCowboy life camera-1-30x27.jpg
Working time Gianmarco Rossato (Johnny) Working timeWorking time camera-1-30x27.jpg
16 Bars Edu Roldos & Lidia Calderero 16 bars16 bars camera-1-30x27.jpg
Make you smile Laura Jones Make you smileMake you smile camera-1-30x27.jpg
Bring on the good time Gary O' Reilly  &  Maggie Gallagher Bring on the good timesBring on the good times camera-1-30x27.jpg
White Whisky  French Cowgirls (Séverine Fillion & ...) White whiskyWhite whisky camera-1-30x27.jpg
Time for change Adriano Castagnoli Time for changeTime for change camera-1-30x27.jpg
On the road again David  Prestor On the road againOn the road again camera-1-30x27.jpg
Safe Haven Séverine Fillion & Bruno Morel Safe havenSafe haven camera-1-30x27.jpg
Shoot me straight Guy Dubé Shoot me straightShoot me straight camera-1-30x27.jpg
Back to the Bar Séverine Fillion Back to the barBack to the bar camera-1-30x27.jpg
Niolon  Gianmarco Rossato (Johnny) NiolonNiolon camera-1-30x27.jpg
Lovatom Christel Durand LovatomLovatom camera-1-30x27.jpg
Burn me down Adriano Castagnoli Burn me downBurn me down camera-1-30x27.jpg
Everyone Dreams  Gianmarco Rossato (Johnny) Everyone dreamsEveryone dreams camera-1-30x27.jpg
TH. Guest Ranch David V.  & Montse Th guest ranchTh guest ranch camera-1-30x27.jpg
Friday Yet Nadia Krieg Friday yetFriday yet camera-1-30x27.jpg


Date de dernière mise à jour : 14/06/2019
