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Niveau 2

                  TITRE                               Chorégraphe                     Fiche Vidéo
DUST Victor Manuel Rodriguez DustDust camera-1-30x27.jpg
EVERYONE DREAMS Johnny ( Gianmarco Rossato ) Everyone dreamsEveryone dreams camera-1-30x27.jpg
TO GET TO HEAVEN Sylviane R. To get to heavenTo get to heaven camera-1-30x27.jpg
BURN ME DOWN Adriano Castagnoli Burn me downBurn me down camera-1-30x27.jpg
SWEET  ERIKA  Montse Chafino Sweet erikaSweet erika camera-1-30x27.jpg
ENDLESS Pol F. Ryan EndlessEndless camera-1-30x27.jpg
SWEET  FEELING Montse Chafino Sweet feelingSweet feeling camera-1-30x27.jpg
WHOLE  AGAIN Sue Johnstone Whole againWhole again camera-1-30x27.jpg
FORGE AHEAD Montse Moscardo Forge aheadForge ahead camera-1-30x27.jpg
THINK OF YOU Giuseppe Piromalli Think of youThink of you camera-1-30x27.jpg
CALIFORNIA  BLUE    (part) Dan Albro California blue partCalifornia blue part camera-1-30x27.jpg
COUNTRY ROAD Kate Sala  Country roadsCountry roads camera-1-30x27.jpg
LOVE IT Montse Moscardo Love itLove it camera-1-30x27.jpg
TELL ME WHY Johnny  (Gianmarco Rossato) Tell me whyTell me why camera-1-30x27.jpg
NOTHING BUT YOU Stefano Civa Nothing but youNothing but you camera-1-30x27.jpg
CANDY SLIDE David Villellas  et  Pol F. Ryan Candy 20slideCandy 20slide camera-1-30x27.jpg
SOMEWHERE Rafi Vaca Molina/Antoni Llorenç Servos SomewhereSomewhere camera-1-30x27.jpg
THURSDAY Montse  Moscardo             Fou camera-1-30x27.jpg
DAMN Rob Fowler DamnDamn camera-1-30x27.jpg
     COURS  Confinés         à partir du  16/03/20         cowboy.gif  Fou  cowboy.gif  
FEEL  LIKE  THAT Edu Roldos Feel like thatFeel like that camera-1-30x27.jpg
HAPPY  PEOPLE Emilio Cañizares & Laura Marín Happy peopleHappy people camera-1-30x27.jpg
MONEY  ON YOU Stefano Civa Money on youMoney on you camera-1-30x27.jpg
TICK  TOCK G i P   (Gabi & Paqui) Tick tockTick tock camera-1-30x27.jpg
TAKE ME TO NEW YORK Johnny  (Gianmarco Rossato) Take me to nyTake me to ny camera-1-30x27.jpg


Date de dernière mise à jour : 14/03/2021